Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Michael Jackson's Will Revealed

Fans, fans, fans... all of the Michael Jackson secret spilling is a little irritating. Please don't get me wrong, but I hate the fact that his privacy has been invaded and leaked all over it. I think that whatever was help captive as a secret should stay that way. Personally, I think that whoever is telling all of this man's secrets is going to HELL! Enough said!

But anyway, MJ's Will & Testament has been revealed and so far, all monetary items and property of his estate will belong to the Jackson Family Estate. His children will receive monetary support as well. As generous as the King of Pop was, money will also be given to several charities he supported throughout the world. This is amazing!

The will was 5 pages long! WOOOO!!! Well, that's all that was revelaed to the universe today. God bless MJ and his family! R.I.P.